How to place a One Page a site on the web? There are SEO
strategies, you just need to know and implement them.
Most of the websites we are used to visiting consist of
multiple pages. It can happen, however, to come across One Page sites , or
single pages , that is, made up of a single HTML page. This solution, for
example, can be particularly useful for those activities that promote a
specific service / product.
In this guide to positioning a One Page site we will
discover the best SEO NYC strategies for
this particular type of web page.
What is a One Page
A One Page website, otherwise called a single page, is a
website consisting of a single HTML page which contains all the main
information that it intends to disclose and all the necessary sections of the
site. A One Page site of a business, for example, can include the sections
"Who we are", "What we do", "Our staff",
"Our products / services" and "Contacts" on the same page.
One Page Site
Positioning: Tips and Strategies
A One Page or single page site has limitations regarding SEOoptimization because, due to the limited content it can host, it is not
possible to integrate all the relevant keywords for which you could position
yourself with a site consisting of multiple pages.
Therefore, when creating a One Page
website it is very important to research even more in depth the keywords
for which you want to index. They must be related to the main topic of the web
page because a fundamental requirement for the positioning of a One Page site
is that of relevance.
Creating distinct
sections of content , within which to insist on a specific semantic group
of keywords, can prove very useful for the positioning of the site. These
sections must be divided with the div tag to delimit the different paragraphs
that make up the page. Unlike sites structured on multiple pages, in One Page
it is possible to use multiple H1 tags to make the separation of contents
between the various sections of the same HTML page more explicit.
To facilitate the
user's journey through the site, it is advisable to use anchor links , i.e.
hypertext links inside the site that allow you to move with a single click to a
specific point on the page. Also in this case, particular attention must be
paid to the choice of keywords for the "anchor" links, while
remembering that they are natural and consistent with the text of the website.
A One Page site,
including all content on a single page, could prove to be very slow when
loading . For this reason, Lazy Download should be used . It is a function that
allows selective and gradual loading of content, in order to show the user only
the content displayed in the browser at that precise moment.
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