How to check your online visibility This article is about To get a good positioning on the web, to improve your Brand Identity and to maximize your users and traffic, you need to be visible online. In this article: 1. Traffic analysis 2. Designing a project 3. Tracking your positioning 4. Based on the performance of your positioning, set goals 5. Review tools Visibility takes on different aspects when talking about the web: it indicates where you are available (social networks, websites, etc.), who and where your competitors are, what the target is and what your strengths and weaknesses are. To actively monitor and improve your online visibility, of course, you need a well-organized and rigorous work, consisting of several points to be followed with the utmost attention. A first part of these consists in quantifying your position in practical terms, while the other part foresees that objectives are set and ad hoc strategies aimed at achieving them are...